Cherry Days Grand Marshals — Ron and Frankye Wist
By STU CARLSON Staff Writer, High Country Spotlight
It was a humbling moment for Ron and Frankye Wist when they were unexpectedly named grand marshals for this year’s Cherry Days Parade. This honor, however, came as no surprise to those who are familiar with their selfless contributions to Paonia. Over the years, they have donned many hats, from coach and scorekeeper to Boy Scout master and den mother, leaving an indelible mark on the community.
Ron’s roots trace back to Bowie, where he was raised by his grandmother. He was part of the last graduating class of the Bowie Schoolhouse, along with his two classmates. Frankye’s family history is equally deep in the valley, with her grandfather immigrating from Austria to work in the Somerset mine. The two, who both grew up in the North Fork Valley, graduated together in the spring of 1955. Despite not having any classes together, their paths finally crossed when Ron asked her out on a date that same year.
Ron soon entered the Air Force, and Frankye attended Mesa, a junior college at the time. The two corresponded and called from afar and were married in 1957. They are celebrating their 67th anniversary this June. Ron worked in the local mines as a maintenance manager and superintendent, while Frankye, an accomplished pianist, played for many various functions.
More about the Wists
They wanted to raise their children in Paonia, and their three sons went to Paonia High School. Between their sons and their grandchildren, the Wists have attended more sporting events than they could ever count. Having watched many Cherry Days parades, Ron and Frankye never dreamed they would one day be chosen to represent the parade as grand marshals. Frankye recalls when she was the first attendant of the Cherry Days Queen. It was the same year the bridge on Grand Avenue was first opened.
Ron’s passion for local baseball was evident in his roles as a coach, volunteer, and state commissioner for Babe Ruth Baseball, as well as a coach for the Paonia High School team. His commitment to the community extended beyond sports, as he served as president of the Mosquito Control Board and of Farmer’s Ditch, and as a board member for Volunteer Park and for Delta-Montrose Vocational Technical School (now Technical College of the Rockies).
Frankye was a teacher’s aide, kindergarten teacher, and music director at Paonia Elementary School. She also served as the piano accompanist for Paonia and Hotchkiss High Schools and taught lessons for many years. She was also involved with local baseball as a scorekeeper and statistician for Paonia High and a volunteer and District Commissioner for Babe Ruth Baseball.
Frankye and Ron were both inducted into the Babe Ruth Baseball Hall of Fame for their work. They were also very active at the local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, serving in numerous positions there. The Wists have called Paonia home for many years. Frankye says they have always been proud to be a part of the town and very much appreciate the wonderful people they know here. She summed up the North Fork Valley and Paonia by saying, “It is a special place to raise a family.”
Hats off to the Wists! This year’s Cherry Days Grand Marshals. The town would be hard-pressed to find a more deserving couple for the honor. Thank you for your dedication to Paonia, Ron and Frankye!